Twas the night before Christmas and all around the Shop.
Not a Creature was stirring, save one little Mouse.
The invoices were all stacked with care,
The mouse found a few little crumbs.
Where Harry eats his faire!
But what to the mouse’s Surprise
On the counter was a candy jar, just his size.
But alas The prize seemed so tall and so far
but the mouse left his grappling hook in the car.
Drat said the mouse, no candy tonight
But then a ding rang so clear, and so bright.
This was too much, the mouse jumped with fright.
He saw a little peddler appear, All Dressed in Red and White
smoking a pipe, the mouse knew he had nothing to dread.
But Then, Just then all the clocks in the shop started ringing.
Music was playing and then he heard singing.
The cuckoo’s were all clacking, the bells chiming so clear.
The peddler said a sale is whats needed here.
He retagged all the clocks, watches and gear.
Got the Bolova Watches and jewlery shining clear.
All tags said “SALE”, come buy me hear!!!
Then he turned around quickly, saw the mouse and the jar.
Far out the said the mouse, I’ve come so far.
the peddler took off the top to the jar, to the mouses delight,
And spilled out the candy, everything in sight.
He then spun around quickly, three times no more,
and vanished, in a flash, sept his his voice so clear.
Merry Christmas to all, See you next year!